Survey Programming

We have a team of dedicated survey programmers and IT professionals with an eye for detail. They can easily program complex logic, skips, and questions into your survey. Our quality assurance department tests every section of the study to ensure 100% accuracy before it goes out, making us one of the best online survey companies worldwide.
Our team has the broad expertise required to handle surveys of any scope. With our high-end market research services, we, as one of the leading market research companies in the world, provide our clients and their survey participants with an enjoyable online survey experience. Some of the professional tools we use for programming surveys are Decipher, Confirm IT, and Sawtooth

Data Processing and Tabulation

Our in-house data processing team prepares a dataset per your preferred format so that your data analysis is easier and faster. We want to build a connection between RAW data from any available source, be it ASCII or SPSS, Binary or Excel. We use analytical techniques to get underneath the data as per your objectives.

Open Ended Coding

Verbatim responses provide meaningful information and insights that may not be available through closed answers which are often neglected.

Our highly skilled in-house coders study the research objectives, document a plan, and then build a coding frame, followed by final coding. The coding structure is shared with the client before final coding.


A telephone survey or an interview is an efficient data collection method. The interviewer conducts the interview via telephone, and responses are collected either through pre-coded options or by providing verbatim answers. This quantitative research method is popularly known as Computer-Aided Telephone Interview (CATI)

Field Surveys

Field surveys are one of the most commonly used methods used by researchers for the process of primary data collection. In cases where secondary sources of data do not provide sufficient information, field surveys allow researchers to better monitor and evaluate the impact of field experiments. For example, consider a study that aims to evaluate the impact of micro-loans on farm output in a small village. It is possible that data on farm output for the last 10 years is not available, or is insufficient.
The trained interviewers are positioned in or near the business that is sponsoring the research. They select the entry or exit points and administer a short screener to check whether the respondent qualifies for the study or not. If the respondents prepare, the interviewer conducts a complete survey at that location.

Focus Group Discussions

Focus Group Discussions are predetermined, semi-structured interviews led by skilled moderators who ask broad questions to elicit responses and create opportunities for discussions among participants.

These discussions are an exemplary method for those who want to understand issues at a deeper level than one can get from a survey.

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